www.onetouchdata.com eFacility - a onetouchdata product



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Welcome to the eFacility® Management web portal

eFacility® is a web based application developed to undertake the management of different types of spatial data associated with one or more facilities. A facility is any location where spatial data, GIS maps and documents come together; a facility can be a manufacturing plant, transport depot, landfill, gold mine or even a process. Data examples include environmental monitoring data from boreholes, air monitoring equipment and river sampling, data collected during asbestos surveys through to compliance and audit data collected across an organisation's facilities.

More detailed information can be found at www.onetouchdata.com.

eFacility® projects and demonstration projects are accessible to registered users who have been provided with a username and password. If you would like access to eFacility® but do not have an account, please send an email to eFacility Helpdesk or telephone +44 1628 771731.

eFacility® Copyright © One Touch Data Limited 2002-2025